Welcome to the start of your NCEA journey! You can choose the subjects you'd like to study in more depth.
For year 11 you need to choose a total of six subjects.
English, Mathematics and a Science subject are compulsory. In some instances, after a conversation with careers, Science may be waived.
Choose your English, Mathematics and Science courses first.
Choose your other subjects (to make it up to six) in order of priority. It is very important that you make your priority order based on your career pathway. If a subject is essential for your plans, you need to make higher up your priority list.
You must also choose a reserve subject in case we are not able to timetable your first three choices.
It is best to choose your three subjects from three different optional curriculum areas, unless you already have a clear career pathway in mind. This will allow for a variety of pathways as you go through school. If in doubt, see someone in Careers for guidance.
Note: All of our courses are dependent on having enough students to run a class and having staff that can teach the subject.
Sometimes courses are over-subscribed. When that happens places may be allocated according to your order of subject choice, students’ previous courses, or by ballot. If you do not complete your selection online by the required date you might not be able to choose courses that are over-subscribed.
Next steps
Once you are clear what next year looks like for you, log in (top right) access the navigation menu again and this time select Course Selection.
This will then bring up a sub-menu for you to look at all of the courses.
If you are not signed in, you will see all the courses we offer at MBC. Once you are signed in, you will see only the courses relevant and available to you.
If you click on View Courses for Me. you will see a list of all the courses that you could choose from.
Please note - the ability to actually select choices will not be switched on until week 2 of term 3.
You don't have to commit immediately to a course. We have a lot of available courses for you at MBC and you will need time to find out whether you want to study that particular course. To help. you have the option of marking a subject as a favourite.
When you click on My Favourite Courses button, the courses you selected will be there for you, making it easier for you to focus on the courses that you are most interested in.
I'm still confused...
The above information should help you to find your way round the site. At MBC you can get support from your whānau teacher. There will be special whānau sessions to show you how to find out about courses and course selection.
If you are still lost and confused, there are some videos and additional resources in the Help section on the menu. You can click here to open a separate window to access this support.