Marlborough Boys' College Course Selection
Kia ora and welcome to course selection for 2025.
Marlborough Boys’ College provides a broad-based education for all students before focusing on specific educational pathways based on student aspiration. We focus on boys aspiring to “be the best that they can be” in all facets of school life. Our curriculum allows students to access a wide range of learning opportunities and provides multiple learning pathways.
This part of SchoolPoint guides you and your whānau towards making the best choice of subjects for you to study at Marlborough Boys' College next year.
SchoolPoint gives you lots of information on all of the courses offered at MBC. If you want more information for any of the options, you can speak to the named teacher directly, or you can email them by clicking their name.
Use the information to plan carefully what courses you will take. Your course choices will lead to different pathways throughout your time at Marlborough Boys' leading eventually to further education, training, and employment.
If you do not know what you want to do in your future, do not worry! That is extremely common.
Keep your options broad. Make sure that you discuss your choices with parents, whānau, and your whānau teacher. The more information and advice you have, the more likely it will be that you will make the right choices and enjoy your subjects at MBC.
Aim high, don't sell yourself short.
Make your own choices, it is your own pathway you are following.
Things you should think about
- What are you interested in?
- What are you good at?
- What do you enjoy?
- If you know what you want to do/study when you leave school - what subjects do they suggest?
Who can you talk to for advice?
- Parents, caregivers and whānau
- Subject teachers
- Whānau teacher
- House Dean
- Your school's careers team
Additional Resources:
Find out as much information as you can about NCEA courses, the requirements for NCEA at each level, University Entrance requirements, approved subjects, careers, etc. by:
How to navigate
On the left-hand side of your screen, you will see a navigation menu. If you are viewing the site on a mobile phone the menu may be at the top of the page instead.
Choosing Useful Information will bring up information relevant to each year group - find out how many choices you need to make here for next year.
Once you are clear what next year looks like for you, log in (top right) access the navigation menu again and this time select Course Selection.
This will then bring up a sub-menu for you to look at all of the courses.
If you are not signed in, you will see all the courses we offer at MBC. Once you are signed in, you will see only the courses relevant and available to you.
You can view courses based on learning area or as a course list.
Please note - the ability to actually select choices will not be switched on until week 3 of term 3.
More details will then be found on the How to make choices page.
If you have issues with accessing the courses, in the first instance send an email to: [email protected]