Year 10 is the second year of the junior curriculum. As a year 10 student, you will continue with some of the core subjects that you started in year 9 but you will now have a range of options that you can study each term.
The Health Education Programme incorporates a Sexuality Education and Human Relationships Programme. Parents/caregivers have to opt-in or out using SchoolPoint |
Compulsory core courses
There are four subjects that are compulsory, all students will study these subjects in year 10. These are selected for you already in SchoolPoint.
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Physical Education & Health.
When you make the rest of your options, SchoolPoint will automatically prevent you from taking courses that don't meet the course selection rules.
Rule 1: You must choose Social Studies or Alternative Language Study
Social Studies is a core course, but it is possible to study an optional language as an alternative to taking Social Studies.
- Te Reo Māori
- English for Speakers of Other Languages - ESOL
You must choose either Social Studies or Te Reo Māori (or ESOL if directed by your Dean)
Rule 3: You must choose five general courses and two backups
Optional general courses are mostly taken for one term (unless indicated) - SchoolPoint will allow you to choose FIVE of these.
It is strongly recommended that students choose at least one Arts and one Technology subject.
- Core Art
- Core Music
- Digital Art
- Media studies
- Drama
- Specialist Art (2 terms)
- Specialist Music (2 terms)
- Digital Illustration
- Woodwork
- Design and Graphics
- Digital Technology
- Engineering Workshop Skills
- Food Technology
- Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
- Agriculture & Horticulture
- History
- Sports and Fitness
- Financial Management and Consumer Law
- Te Waharoa
- Geography
- Awata (Sports Passion, 2 terms)
- German (2 terms)
Rule 4: Health Lesson Opt in / Out
You must select whether you will take part in the Human Relationships and Sexuality Education topic. Your parent ultimately has the final say on this. This counts as a course.
Rule 5: Choose TWO backup Courses
Once you have chosen your options, following the above rules, you will be able to choose 2 backup courses. It will not appear until the main choices are complete. The button will indicate that it is a backup choice.
It's not letting me choose a course!
If you get a message that a course cannot be selected, it is likely that you have broken one of the rules. For example, you can only choose four of the general one-term option classes. If you try to choose a fifth one, it will give an error message.
Another example is Social Studies and Alternative languages. If you choose Te Reo Māori and then try to select Social Studies, it will give you an error.
Next steps
Look at the menu at the left of the screen and choose Course Selection.
This will bring up some further choices.
If you click on View Courses for Me. you will see a list of all the courses that you could choose from.
You don't have to commit immediately to a course. We have a lot of available courses for you at MBC and you will need time to find out whether you want to study that particular course. To help. you have the option of marking a subject as a favourite.
When you click on My Favourite Courses button, the courses you selected will be there for you, making it easier for you to focus on the courses that you are most interested in.
I'm still confused...
The above information should help you to find your way round the site. At MBC you can get support from your whānau teacher. There will be special whānau sessions to show you how to find out about courses and course selection.
If you are still lost and confused, there are some videos and additional resources in the Help section on the menu. You can click here to open a separate window to access this support.