We appreciate that option choices are a vital part of your son's pathway through MBC. He will be able to select and choose courses for 2025 from Thursday 8th August. This is also the date of the Option Expo, at which you and your son can discuss possible courses with staff from each subject area. Please do come along. The evening starts at 4 pm and finishes at 6 pm.
Once we have opened the options, your son will be able to make his choices. This will follow discussions with his whānau teacher and subject teachers. We encourage you to talk with your son over the next couple of weeks about what he wants to study.
After the selections have been made, you will need to approve your son's courses. Once your son has completed his course selection, you can log on using your ParentPortal username and password and approve his choices. Again, this will be made active after the Option Expo. Note, once you do this, he will no longer be able to change the courses he has selected. If you realise that you need to undo the approval for the choices, please notify [email protected]