NCEA L1 Commerce
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Thomas.
Making informed decisions, both financial and non-financial, is crucial for sustainable use of resources and creating positive outcomes for everyone involved. We'll explore how financial decisions made by individuals, families, communities and organisations are all interconnected, and how our actions can affect the world around us.
We'll also focus on the concept of kaitiakitanga - the idea that we are caretakers of our environment and have a responsibility to protect it. Through entrepreneurship and innovation, we can create a better future for all.
We'll delve into the exciting world of tauhokohoko, or commerce, and discover how it shapes our society. You'll learn about marketing, advertising, and selling goods and services. Plus, you'll develop important skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.
Students will participate in the BP Business Challenge during term one. Here is the link to information about this course
They will also bring a product to market at the annual school market day.
Key Knowledge to be covered:
Our course covers a range of skills that will help you understand how decisions are made, and how they impact both individuals and society as a whole.
You'll learn about the importance of Māori, Indigenous Pacific knowledges and other perspectives in shaping decision-making. We'll teach you how to use concepts, models and financial statements to communicate information, and you'll understand how scarcity affects decision-making.
You'll also discover how pūtake (foundations) inform financial and non-financial decision-making, and how organisations can empower themselves and their communities through rangatiratanga (self-determination). We'll explore how prices are affected by decision-making and how collaboration through talanoa and wānanga can lead to innovation and resolution.
You'll gain insight into what's necessary for organisations to be financially viable and how external factors can impact them. And we'll teach you how to use financial management tools to assist decision-making for financial viability.
So, come and join us on this exciting journey to gain skills that will help you understand the world around you!
Course Overview
Term 1
Ākonga will make an informed decision for an organision using economic, financial and non-financial information. They will be able to explore all aspects of the decision including; costs, purpose, stakeholders, consequences, financing.
Students will complete AS 1.1 by the end of the term.
Term 2
Ākonga wil learn about price and profit. This will include income, costs, financial viability, debt, market equilibrium model, income tax, money systems.
Term 3
Students will present their product at a school market day. They will understand flow on effects of price changes for businesses, consumers, society and government.
Ākonga will begin to understand how different sectors of the economy are interdependent. They will be able to use a circular flow model to show this.
Term 4
Students will fully understand interdependence of sectors in the NZ economy and the impacts of events on these sectors.
Recommended Prior Learning
Students will need to be motivated, good at working with others and be able to write fluently.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Commerce 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of an organisation's financial decision-making
Commerce 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of price determination for an organisation
Commerce 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of how entities with interdependent financial relationships are affected by an event
Commerce 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of the financial viability of an organisation