NCEA L2 Biology - Mātauranga Koiora
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Dr E. Attridge.
The study of life itself, level 2 Biology explores the theories and principles involved in living systems, in all their intricate beauty. Topics you will learn about include: cell structure and function, ecology, genetics and evolution, plant and animal adaptations as well as practical biology and research skills. By the end of the course, you will know about the principles of genetics, cell reproduction, natural selection, evolutionary theory, plant and animal interactions, and more.

You will gain an understanding of how society makes decisions about scientific issues, as well some of the ways in which the scientific community contributes to the success of the economy and society.
All students go to Rotoiti Lodge towards the start of term 2 to carry out practical investigations and learning about some of the wonderful flora and fauna of Te Wai Pounamu.

If you are interested in understanding how we evolved, finding out how cells – “little bags of water with things dissolved in them” – carry out so many different processes in a seemingly effortless fashion, tracking down natural resources, the true impacts of pollution on the natural world, or animal care and conservation programmes, to name a few, then this is your subject.
Course Overview
Term 1
In term 1 we cover the content for the external, Life Processes at the Cellular level. This covers some of the key concepts that you will need in Term 2's Biocamp. This includes learning about the organelles that make up plant and animal cells, photosynthesis and respiration. We also cover ecology and investigative techniques.
Term 2
We have the Biocamp in week 2 - we go to Lake Rotoiti and study plants and invertebrates for a week. This involves a walk up to Parachute Rocks where we carry out a sampling investigation. For many boys this is a highlight of the course! When we return we finish off the Life processes unit and then move onto Genetic variation. This is an important external and is needed if you want to move onto level 3. We start by looking at the structure of DNA and move onto DNA replication and mutations. This topic features the use of genetics in conservation of some of our rarest species.
Term 3
Our last full term starts with finishing the Genetic variation topic by the Derived Grade Exams in week 6. As soon as the week is finished, we move onto the last external - Gene Expression, which ties everything together. We learn about metabolic pathways and how mutations lead to new alleles. One additional internal is also undertaken - looking at the adaptations of animals to their environment.
Term 4
There are never enough weeks before seniors leave. We undertake the last derived grade exam and then revise the external content.
Recommended Prior Learning
We recommend that you achieve at least 10 credits in a science at Level 1 (BCS1 or ESP1), or higher. However, if you are really keen and are willing to work hard, we will consider you. If you want advice on whether Biology is for you, see Dr E Attridge
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
This course will have a trip cost. The cost will cover the cost of food, transport and accommodation for the camp/trip. All curriculum costs will be covered by the school.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Biology 2.1 - Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context, with supervision
Biology 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or animals to their way of life
Biology 2.4 - Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level
Biology 2.5 - Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change
Biology 2.6 - Investigate a pattern in an ecological community, with supervision
Biology 2.7 - Demonstrate understanding of gene expression