Marlborough Boys’ College Marlborough Boys’ College

NCEA L2 Business Enterprise

Course Description

“Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital, so you can do more of it and move forward with it” (Richard Branson) 

In Level 2 Business Enterprise students will have the opportunity to set up and run a small business. It is a great opportunity to test your ideas, realise uniqueness, develop strengths, learn about enterprise and possibly make a profit.

We join the national YES Program which offers many opportunities for regional and national competitions and prizes along with a wealth of information to support your journey in Business Enterprise during the year. YES Program

At the same time, you will earn a qualification in business practice and gain valuable practical experience. In Business Enterprise you will work as part of your own company.

Course Overview

Term 1
Throughout Term 1 you will work in a team to plan, carry out, review and refine a community based business activity with a community well-being focus. You will be required as a team to come up with a business idea, complete a Lean Canvas and the validate (test) your product either by taken a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to market early or by taking a prototype to your target market to test and get feedback on your product/service idea. You will use feedback from this validation to improve your business idea.

During this term you are required to get your business idea off the ground. This will mean that you carry out market research for your team’s product/service idea. You are then expected to present, analyse and draw conclusions from your research. As a group you will:
• Collect relevant secondary research
• Identify the aim of the research plan
• Design your primary research
• Collect and record sufficient primary market research relevant to your team’s aim
• Present the results using suitable charts and/or tables
• Draw a conclusion
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your market research

Term 2
Throughout Terms 2 and 3 you will continue to work in your team to plan, carry out, review and refine a community based business activity with a community well-being focus. Moving forward, you will, towards the end of term 2 and in term 3 complete ongoing business cycles.

There are nine tasks to be completed by the end of Term 3:
• Come up with a product idea and develop a lean canvas
• Validate your product idea either by taking an MVP to market or by taking a prototype to your target market
• Prepare a planning portfolio for your business activity
• Carry out the first cycle of the business activity
• Reflect on how well the business activity was performed
• Refine the planning portfolio to improve your planned business activity
• Carry out the second cycle of the business activity
• Reflect on how well the second business activity was performed
• Refine the planning portfolio for the future

Term 3
Throughout this term you will continue with your team working towards your business objective.
Your team will prepare an annual review as part of the YES program and conclude your business activity by the end of the term.

For those seeking subject endorsement you will also be working on the External exam for AS 90844.

Term 4
Term 4 is short and will involve mostly revision for the NCEA eternal exam.
Those students not sitting the exam will complete an additional unit standard or achievement standard related to Business Studies.

Learning Areas:

Year 12 (NCEA Level 2), Social Sciences - Tikanga ā Iwi


NCEA L3 Business Enterprise

Students need to make and sell over 2 selling cycles.

Business plans need to be completed prior to the first selling phase and written in the future tense. After taking the product to market students review the success, or otherwise, of the activity, with a particular focus on progress towards the SMART objectives. They then consider any changes that need to be made to the plan prior to the second selling phase.

The product is then taken to market again prior to students reflecting on the success of the second selling cycle.

To reach Excellence, students would refine the business plan again. This third version should be such that an outside party could implement the plan in the future.

It may be possible for students to carry their Level 2 business idea into Year 13.