NCEA L3 General Engineering
Course Description
Teacher in Charge:
General Engineering
This course is suited to students who have a general interest in Engineering or who wish to undertake engineering related occupations.
At level 3 there is a higher requirement academically for the theory component compared to previous years.
Year 13 focus is around welding (MIG, TIG, MMAW) and more advanced machining and milling process.
The course can lead you to engineering related occupations and tertiary engineering courses.
Course Overview
Term 1
The year starts of with a refresher of Health and Safety of the workshop and a reminder of the Technology values of pride, respect, involvement, and responsibility. The importance of working as a team and being courteous to one another is strongly encouraged throughout the year.
Term 1 focuses on the characteristics of engineering materials and the composition of engineering metals. The two unit standards that you will be taking, will provide an in-depth look at metals and materials, how and why they are used, where they come from and how they are produced.
You will also begin planning and designing your own projects (for those that choose to do so). Catering for some projects needs to be planned so, it will not be possible to do large scale projects at this stage.
Practical lessons will begin in Weeks 3 - 4.
Term 2
The Unit Standard on welding is introduced. Terminology and welding processes are explained and demonstrated. You are very much encouraged to practise welding regularly and you will need to complete 3 weld types in 2 different positions to achieve the requirements for the welding standard.
All projects must incorporate a range of processes, from welding, and machining through to mechanical fastening and painting.
Term 3
In this term you will be improving upon your drawing knowledge and gaining competency in reading, and interpreting, plans and drawings. You will be developing drawings in relation to your project designs and that will be part of the evidence required to show competency.
Majority of Term 3 will be spent in the Engineering Workshop working on projects and developing practical skills.
Term 4
Term 4 (4 weeks), focuses on completing projects and theory work for the year. Finishing projects to a high standard will also include painting and polishing where applicable.
You will also have the opportunity to engage in processes that have not been touched upon during the year; this can include casting, brazing, and forging.
Recommended Prior Learning
It is recommended that students undertaking Year 13 Engineering have previously completed at least one year of engineering course work previously with a minimum of 14 credits achieved. Students will need to have numeracy and literacy L1.
If you are genuinely passionate about Level 3 Engineering but do not meet the above criteria, please contact Mr. Townsend as placements can be made for the right reasons.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
A4 clearfile, note book, black fine tip permanent marker, pen, mechanical pencil.
This course allows the students to practise skills learnt in the classroom externally in programs such as Gateway. Students who have taken Engineering in their senior years will have acquired good foundation skills to assist in any hands on job they may choose to enter upon leaving school.
Assessment Information
Assessment criteria consists of 14 level 3 credits and 6 level 2 credits. Assessments consist of both theory and practical with a range of evidence accumulated over the year to prove competency.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Assemble mechanical components under supervision
Demonstrate knowledge of the composition of common engineering metals
Demonstrate knowledge of common engineering metals
Demonstrate knowledge of welding principles and quality control and safe welding practice under supervision
Interpret mechanical engineering drawings
Pathway Tags
Mining Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Collision Repair Technician, Automotive Electrician, Metal Worker, Boat Builder, Fabrication Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Building and Construction Manager, Coachbuilder/Trimmer, Miner/Quarry Worker, Mine/Quarry Manager, Diver, Information Technology Helpdesk/Support Technician, Plumber, Gasfitter and Drainlayer, Driller, Lift Technician, Energy and Chemical Plant Operator, Engineering Machinist, Environmental Engineer, Welder, Marine Engineer, Locksmith, Refrigeration/Air-conditioning Technician, Plastics Technician, Project Manager, Saw Doctor, Water/Wastewater Treatment Operator,