This course requires 2 options.

Year 10 Specialist Art

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs D. Cave-Higgins.

This Specialist Art option is a course where students with some natural artistic talent may find it as a way to extend their abilities.                                     

This allows students the chance to develop more in-depth art skills across a range of media.  

It focuses on exploring and enjoying the artmaking process. 

The Specialist Art course allows the extension of skills in drawing, design, photography, and painting skills. Students will also be involved in woodblock printmaking and clay work.                       Collaborative tasks, such as mural art, may also be offered.   

 Using cut outs to create another image.

 Students painting a mural together

The tasks presented in Specialist Art classes allow students to develop and extend their ideas. Both creativity and innovation exist within a well-managed class. Both individual and collaborative assignments are offered.   

Field trips for plein air experiences/outdoor artmaking, sculpture installation and gallery visits add another dimension to this course.

Year 10 Specialist Art allows students to prepare for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 in the Visual Arts. Year 10 Core Art allows students to prepare for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 in the Visual Arts. 

Level 1 NCEA folio

Course Overview

Semester A
This Specialist Art option is a 20 weeks course with 4 classes per week for 2 terms.
This allows students the chance to develop more in-depth art skills across a range of media. It focuses on exploring and enjoying the artmaking process.

The Specialist Art course allows the extension of skills in drawing, design, photography, and painting skills. Students will also be involved in woodblock printmaking and clay work.
Collaborative tasks, such as mural art, may also be offered towards the latter end of the couirse.

Recommended Prior Learning

There are no pre-requisites for Year 10 Specialist Art.                                                                                   However, some previous Art experience is beneficial. The most important thing is an excellent attitude towards trying your best.                                                                                                                                We can teach anyone the art skills necessary to gain success if they are willing to learn.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Year 10 Art kits are available for purchase at Paper Plus. All other materials and art resources are supplied through the Art classes. Students in this class will be given many specialist media to use. Field trips may also be offered.


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